24th May, 2024
Launch of Ready to Use IV Ropivacaine 400mg/200ml (2mg/ml) Bag
Bowmed Ibisqus is pleased to announce the launch of a Ready to Use Ropivacaine Bag. The product is a standard 400mg/200ml (2mg/ml) dose presented in a 5 pack and adds to our anaesthesia range. The bag is packaged with a foil overwrap to protect the product from light and the overwrap clearly displays the essential product information.
This new product line has been listed with AAH under code ROP0089C and stock is available for customers effective immediately.
If you would like to discuss a pricing arrangement or stock availability for Ropivacaine Bags or any of our other products, please contact us directly on +44 (0)845 6436 703 or email us